
Jane and John origin

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They are the daughter and son of Kenny and Sandi Jackson, Now there was something sandi didn't know about Kenny, and that was his profession , he was secertly an hired mercenary and the reason why he didn't want his whole family to know so that they wouldn't get hurt or killed. One day a rival assiagn broke in to their home and knocked out the power to the house while kenny was out . the mother spots him and tries to protect her and her children, but is not able to fight him as good so she blinds with flour and runs off and gets john and jane and hides them , then the assain busts in and attacks the mother then he corners her, the children run out and go to there mother and rap around her, but this doesn't stop the assian has he just laughs and says cute kids , then with his sword cuts the mother head off with the blood covering the children as the head rolls to the floor, they are stunned in fear as they watch helplessly as he moves his sword up in the air , but before he makes his deadly blow, kenny comes in and sees what has occured and begins to attack the assain , they fight until kenny grabs the sword and stabs him right through the gut. Then he notices his children watch him , he freaks out and gets them up into the bath and cleans them while freaking out over by what just happened, later that week at the funeral he decides to focus on his kids and trains them to defend themselves in hopes that they don't die like their mother did, he still a mercenary cause that is the only thing he thinks he can do, sense he only got a high school degree.
While he was training them he put more focus on John sense it was his boy and he thought he would be the one next in line after he passes to become a mercenary , but then he notices John fear of germs and tries to help them with it, while kinda unintellatly ingoring Jane. One day John and Jane get into a fight while kenny watches and he notices how Jane was surpisingly a better fighter than john and thinks she maybe the one next in line. He turns out to be right as in a few more years pass a long with her farther becomes one of the top assains in the world where as her brother makes the technology she uses to kill such as the lightsaver and he also hacks into things to help her out. Now even though she prefers to snip people she also been known to lead men to there deaths by flirting with them then silently killing them. She she works out quite a bit to keep her body in shape. And does the make up stuff. Anyways this is where I'm kind split between two ways of doing this part of the story so ill write both parts and you tell me what you like ok?

Part 1: Jane and john get hired by the Mob to kill electro, they agree and begin to hunt him down but he proves to them that he is hard to kill probully the hardest to kill, while they were chasing him down trying to kill him , he saves a kid who was falling off the building. Anyways he shows them that they are being framed from the MOB saying that they are being blamed for murders the Mob has commited by using newspaper artcles, This gets them all pissed off and all three of them go after a Mob family who was using them.

Part 2: is where Jane and John were hired to kill an empire , so they go over there and attack the empire trying to kill him and corners him until his kids run up and rap around him, which makes her think about her mother and how she died , so she stops attacking and tells him to love his children deeply, and runs off before his guards come. On her way back she tells john what happened, which made them think if they are doing and now they want to change that, fearing that they became the monster that killed there mother, So they tell Kenny that they quit, and even though he doesn't like it he respects their choice and wishes them luck. They head to libertan city in hopes to have a normal life , but they became bored and where felt guilty about what they have done in there past, and wanted to make up for that. Then they hear on the news about electro and the killings of innocent people he as done.So they decided to work for the law and take him down for justice. This proves easier said than done, while this was going on they saw him saving a kid from falling off a building. Which made them wonder why he do such a thing if he a killer , they catch up to him and asked him why he saved that kid, which he repiles I'm a hero dumbasses what you think I was? They told him that they heared from the news that he was a killer, which he says well kinda you see ive been killing bad guys and the Mob bout out the new media to make it look like I'm a bad guy and shows them pictures from a camera he found, which proves he was telling the truth. He explains after he killed a Mob family there been another family trying to take there place. So they form a plain to attack them and do so, after words they try to get electro towork with them some more but he declines , so jane tries to flirt with him, but all it ends up was him making a flash gernade and disappearing. Jane goes I can't believe it didn't work , Johns says I don't think it will be the last time we see him. They move on stoping some crimes but are not notice due to electro fame. Then the robot Invasion happen and they begin to help people fight them off until they got cornered and was saved by cybertron. But I told you that story kinda

Which part do you like and think fits best?

While with the team , Jane becomes leader of the group by vote. Now she is usually clam and cool but at times she does get angry a lot sometimes with no reason. She tells a member of the group ( maybe isis or even electro) about her mother death and that for years when closes her eyes all she sees is her mother head being chop off and how sometimes it freaks her out or puts her in rage. Now about her being gay , well I haven't figured out were to put it yet so that still in the work of process.

So what do you think? I look forward to see what you say.
I want to know what you guys think of this so comment but i want to know why you think why its good or bad.
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